Our Mission & Vision
The mission of Holy Name Of Jesus is to love God, to love others, and to glorify the name of Jesus Christ through word and sacrament. At Holy Name of Jesus our mission is to reach out to the community where the individual and family come first, each with their individual gifts, talents, needs, problems and concerns. We are open and caring for all without judging.
The vision of our church is to create a church community where ALL are welcome regardless of race, creed, color, religion, marital status or sexual orientation. We envision a community that fosters and participates in warm friendly relations with other denominations as we all worship the same God. Holy Name of Jesus fosters and participates in ecumenical relationships consistent with church policy.
Leadership Team:
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word and Sacrament. Our passion and goal is to help believers grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord so they may not only live the gospel in their lives but spread the good news of God’s love, forgiveness, and care to all.
Father David Verhasselt – Pastor
Father Dave was ordained a Catholic priest on May 20, 1989, He served parishes in Racine, Greendale and Oconomowoc and also served as full time Chaplain at West Allis Memorial Hospital.
Prior to his ordination, he worked as a Nursing Home Administrator for Outagamie County for 15 years. His love of the elderly and service to the sick helped him to switch vocations from Nursing Home Administrator to Ordained Ministry.
Father Dave was able to put his accounting and business administration degrees to great use in helping the parishes he served to continue their mission to the people and care for their facilities without burdening parish members with heavy financial concerns.
Father grew up in a family of twelve being the third from the youngest. He has a very deep understanding of family life, it’s joys, problems and sorrows. With fifty four nieces and nephews Father grew up loved, and cared for many small children. He thoroughly enjoys the “little ones”. They are and have always been a great part of his life. Children are all precious not only in the eyes of God, but in Father’s eyes. He believes it is important for children to grow up with a strong love for understanding and presence of God in their lives.
He has always welcomed all to worship. Jesus never turned anyone away and neigh will Father. He leaves judging and judgement up to God.
Come worship, receive the sacraments where all are welcome, not just today, but tomorrow and always.

Reverend Karen Till – Associate Pastor
Reverend Karen Till was ordained a priest in the Evangelical Catholic Church on November 11, 2017.
Before ordination Reverend Karen taught in a Catholic School, was the Director of Religious Education and also pastoral associate. Her prayer was to help God’s people in whatever way He called her to do.
Because she spent much time with children and the elderly, it was very easy for her to answer God’s call to become ordained to the priesthood.
Reverend Karen grew up in a small town on the Mississippi River called Bellevue Iowa. She has 3 siblings, an older brother, an older sister, and a younger sister. She also 2 nieces and 3 nephews, 4 great-nieces (one deceased) and 2 great-nephews.
She looks forward to family reunions when the whole family comes together to celebrate each other.
Reverend Karen’s prayer now is that she is able to help Father Dave and the parishioners of Holy Name of Jesus in any way she can.
Every human being is a child of God and Reverend Karen will treat everyone as a loving member of God’s family.